Pink Ribbon fished were the fish were

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The pink ribbon is the international symbol of breast cancer awareness and the foundation Pink Ribbon. The main goal of the foundation Pink Ribbon is to recruit new donations and friends (members of the foundation). If you ever think about setting up an online campaign making use of social media, read this blog post because Pink Ribbon knew how to do it and I will explain what their secret was to success.

As I said, Pink Ribbon wanted to recruit new donators and friends of their foundation. They chose for a social media campaign to reach this goal. The goal of recruiting new donators and friends of the foundation was reached when there would be dedicated volunteers on the internet who take care and responsibility for the communities on the social media platforms on which Pink Ribbon was active. But the question always will be: What is the secret to stand out and be different in this big bulb called the world of social media and Internet?

The biggest secret of the social media campaign of Pink Ribbon was to set up a value chain which consisted of five steps. And for each step different social media platforms were used, because the users of the different platforms require a different approach. This insight was strike one. 

The picture above shows the value chain that was used by Pink Ribbon and their social media campaign. The first step of the chain was awareness. On Twitter, Youtube and forums people were made aware of ideas, thoughts and plans of the foundation. The story of Pink Ribbon was told on this platforms. LinkedIn and Facebook were used to lead the users through the information and LinkedIn was used for the business part and Facebook for the social part. The next step was to make people preferring this foundation instead of others. The website was used to test if people really liked the foundation and when results proved they did, it was time for the next step. Now it was time to take action and this meant that new donators could donate money. The last step and the one who makes or breaks the campaign is to create loyalty. The goal was to create timeless loyalty for the foundation and not for once.  Via Flickr, people were able to follow events and to keep in touch with the foundation.

The result of their way of working was 10.000 new members of their Facebook group in one month (!) and 15.000 women who were registered as new friends of the foundation.

Instead of attracting people, Pink Ribbon choose to look for the people, observe them and chose the right way of approach regarding to their value chain. This was the big secret and key element of their social media campagin. In other words, Pink Ribbon “fished were the fish were.”

Until next time,
Eline Jansen, Mediaholic

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