Confessions of a Mediaholic, part 1

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Every Monday (something went wrong with this update yesterday, so that is the reason that is online now, sorry for that!) I will write a personal blog post about me and social media. This week I will tell you more about blogs I read, every day again.
In my very first blog post I wrote that I am familiar with reading blogs. Some people asked me what kind of blogs I read. Well, I am going to tell you.

As soon as I searched for The Hills videos, there were a lot of results with videos with how to’s inspired by The Hills. And there I saw that girl called Mascha and she was telling me in her video how to get those loosy curls just like Lauren. But I also saw that she had her own website. So I googled Mascha and found out she had her own website: Beautygloss, a website all about beauty. I started reading her blog, day after day and I was fascinated by the way she was telling me how to apply my foundation, how to create smokey eyes and which mask is fantastic for your skin.

So, that is my story. And nowadays I follow 13 blogs (mostly beautyblogs) and I read their posts every day. “Do you surf to each of these websites a few times e-ve-ry day?” No, I do not surf to each website three times a day - there was a time I did - but I manage all my favorite blogs with Bloglovin’: One website with my favorite blogs and their latest updates.  
Until next time,
Eline Jansen, Mediaholic

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