Dating 2.0

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Web 2.0 allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue. Every Wednesday I will write a blog post about Web 2.0 related to a specific topic. This week it will be Web 2.0 and dating: Has social media killed the blind date?

Sitting in a bar I hear two friends talking about the attractive qualities of their potential love interest. "He also likes the music of Adele." "Oh, and he likes to play tennis, so may be we could play a game sometime." "By the way, this friend of him is cute too!"

"Have you met this guy yet?" I ask one of my friends. "Oh no" she laughs, "I Facebooked him!" That sentence sparked a intriguing question: Has social media killed the blind date? When it comes to a blind date, the excitement of it is the mystery and the quesetions who follow: What does he look like? Do we have anything in common? What will his first impression be of me?

However, social media allowed us to put as much or less information about ourselves on profiles as we wanted. Taking that in mind, I think that there will be hardly anybody who does not have an online identity. Having said this, I have to conclude that social media officially killed the blind date.

I have to admit that I am partial to the meet-your-significant-other-at-university, the killing of the blind date is not that bad at all: I do not have to worry about awkward silences anymore, I just have to think back about his profile. It might be there is no blind date anymore, but may be we have to call it I-have-seen-your-profile-date.

Until next time,
Eline Jansen, Mediaholic

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