Fail or Holy Grail? Let's check out Citroën

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Brands, organizations and foundations use Social Media to spread their ideas, sell their products and get attention. Almost every brand, organization or foundation uses Social Media in one or another way. Every Friday I will write about a brand, organization or foundation and their social media campaign, but is this a fail or a holy grail? This week I will discuss the Dating 2.0 campaign of Citroën, which allows you to create your perfect date.

The videos of yesterday could not keep me from trying this out... So, this should be my dream date and car:

The British division of Citroën launched in September last year the latest marketing initiative to promote a new car, the DS3 model. Citroën unveiled the latest relationship innovation, Dating 2.0. This service allows users to create their perfect date through interactive technology, which would be - if we have to believe Citroën - the 21st century way to make a date.

By clicking on, visitors will find a online facility that invites them first to select their maile or female preference and after this they can choose their desired characteristics for the face, torso and legs. Finally, visitors can meet their perfect digital partner, together with a matching DS3 model. Users can share their perfect date with friends as well as requesting a DS3 brochure or a test drive.

Maybe the company's trying to tell us something like hey, the DS3 is the car with which you will get your dream man or woman. I think this campaign was a well thought idea of Citroën: it is trendy, modern and adapts to the future. At the same time I have my doubts about the effect, because do not believe in perfectionism. It is true that I strive for perfectionism in everything I do, but at the same time I know it is not possible. And come on, picking that head with those legs, no thanks (only the idea makes me sick). So overall I can say it is fun to do and it is a well played campaign. I would say this campaign is no holy grail, but definitely no fail.

What do you think of this campaign and did you create your perfect date?

Until next time,
Eline Jansen, Mediaholic

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